Music and digitisation have been tightly interwoven for some time. This motivated us to dedicate a full track to this topic for the first time in 2015. For #rp17 we select again the best of your submissions in the field of music, whether you are running a music-based project, or working in an exciting music startup. We were looking for national and international exchanges of ideas, new formats and future developments in the music scene.
We discovered how mobile music apps and VR/AR affect how we enjoy music, looked at recording methods that deliver 360-degree sound, music startups that are shifting the relationship between producer and consumer and how virtual supergroups are made possible. Not only programme, but also hands-on: Musicday's Virtual Reality installations were made possible with the support of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research/ Projekt Zukunft with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Check out our review of re:publica TEN's Musicday, watch the video recordings of the talks on our YouTube channel.
Photo credit: Nickolai Kashirin — Headphones (CC BY 2.0)