Call for Participation: #FASHIONTECH LAB BERLIN



Heads up! The final deadline for submissions for the #FASHIONTECH LAB BERLIN at the #rp17 is coming up on January 31st. We look forward to all of your ideas surrounding the topic of fashion, textiles and technology.

You design cocktail dresses using materials from aviation and aerospace? Your weaving loom is a 3D printer and you fashion clothes out of plastic waste that’s been fished out of the ocean? You’re concerned with the political and social consequences of technological innovation in textile processing? You’re involved with developing sustainable business models in the production of footwear?

The #FASHIONTECH LAB BERLIN at the re:publica 2017 is a stage for makers and actors who have dedicated themselves to the intersection between gadgets, hacking and fashion design: the emphasis is on workshops for tinkering and building, but project lectures and talks are also an option. Inspire us with exciting formats for the makerspace that bridge the gap between technology and fashion. You can find more information and all the previous sessions on the topic here.

This sounds like just your type of thing? Then hurry up! Our Call for Participation ends on January 31st. Everything you need to know about the Call can be found right here. We’re excited to hear from you!

In conjunction with the Fashion Week, the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN conference will take place tomorrow. It discusses the compatibility of fashion and technology and further looks into marketing themes. We are coordinating the conference together with our partner PREMIUM. Information about the event can be found here.

Image credit: re:publica/Dorothea Tuch (CC BY 2.0)
